The ProblemA divided life is a distracted life.
When we choose to live our lives in this way, divided into pieces, we spend our time exhausted, frustrated, and searching for balance. Sadly, balance always eludes us. A few pieces are going to get your best, while the others get your leftovers. We end up reacting to what's most urgent, rather than responding to what's most important. The divided life is a life with no margin. Inevitably, pieces of our life will get pushed to the side, because we don't know how to fit it all in. This is the problem. |
The SolutionA whole life is a peaceful life.
No, this doesn't mean you won't have full days. This just ensures you and your family live a full, abundant life. A whole life is a centered life. A life rooted in and built on Jesus. When life is no longer divided into pieces, homework becomes holy. Work becomes worship. Cooking a meal becomes sacred. Trying to fit it all in is no longer the goal. Searching for time to fit God in is no longer the objective. It's no longer the "God things" and then all the "other things." Now, God is in all things. Now, every area of your life becomes sacred, holy, and full of God's goodness, beauty, and love. This is the life we were created to live. |
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