Our default setting.Check the box.
Do the things. Ascribe to the principles. And we're good, right? Well, no. That's not what it means to follow Jesus. Following Jesus is not just following certain rules and regulations. It's not just ascribing to a certain belief system. To follow Jesus is to walk with Jesus. It's to reorient our entire lives around Jesus. Jesus' invitation wasn't "Check the box." It was "Follow Me." |
God's design.We were designed for relationship.
And following Jesus is a relational journey. It's not a "you go on, I'll catch up." It's not a checklist of to-dos, or set of principles to follow. To follow Jesus is go on a lifelong walk with Him. And it's as we go on the journey with Jesus that we begin to learn who He is and who we are in Him. It's in the journey with Jesus that He begins to lead us deeper into His love. It's in the journey with Jesus, as we go, that we see more clearly what the goal is: union and intimacy with our Creator. |
Following Jesus daily.Sit at His feet
Because it’s when we sit at His feet that we learn who He is and who we are in Him. Keep in step with the Spirit Because when we live out of step with Jesus, we miss what's now because we are so focused on what's next. Fix your eyes Because what you give your attention to is the person you become. |
Copyright © 2025, Jonah Lusk. All rights reserved.